{"ID":"FATIMP1","Text":"To what degree did you have to push yourself to get things done because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP2","Text":"To what degree did your fatigue make you feel slowed down in your thinking?"} {"ID":"FATIMP3","Text":"How often did you have to push yourself to get things done because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP4","Text":"How often did your fatigue interfere with your social activities?"} {"ID":"FATIMP5","Text":"How often were you less effective at work due to your fatigue (include work at home)?"} {"ID":"FATIMP6","Text":"How often did your fatigue make you feel slowed down in your thinking?"} {"ID":"FATIMP8","Text":"How often were you too tired to watch television?"} {"ID":"FATIMP9","Text":"How often did your fatigue make it difficult to plan activities ahead of time?"} {"ID":"FATIMP10","Text":"How often did your fatigue make it difficult to start anything new?"} {"ID":"FATIMP11","Text":"How often did your fatigue make you more forgetful?"} {"ID":"FATIMP13","Text":"How often were you too tired to do errands?"} {"ID":"FATIMP14","Text":"How often did your fatigue make it difficult to organize your thoughts when doing things at work (include work at home)?"} {"ID":"FATIMP15","Text":"How often did your fatigue interfere with your ability to engage in recreational activities?"} {"ID":"FATIMP16","Text":"How often did you have trouble finishing things because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP17","Text":"How often did your fatigue make it difficult to make decisions?"} {"ID":"FATIMP18","Text":"How often did you have to limit your social activities because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP19","Text":"How often were you too tired to do your household chores?"} {"ID":"FATIMP20","Text":"How often did your fatigue make you feel less alert?"} {"ID":"FATIMP21","Text":"How often were you too tired to take a bath or shower?"} {"ID":"FATIMP22","Text":"How often did your fatigue make it difficult to organize your thoughts when doing things at home?"} {"ID":"FATIMP24","Text":"How often did you have trouble starting things because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP25","Text":"How often was it an effort to carry on a conversation because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP26","Text":"How often were you too tired to socialize with your family?"} {"ID":"FATIMP27","Text":"To what degree did you have trouble starting things because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP28","Text":"How hard was it for you to carry on a conversation because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP29","Text":"How often were you too tired to leave the house?"} {"ID":"FATIMP30","Text":"How often were you too tired to think clearly?"} {"ID":"FATIMP33","Text":"How often did your fatigue limit you at work (include work at home)?"} {"ID":"FATIMP34","Text":"To what degree did you have to limit your social activities because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP35","Text":"To what degree did your fatigue make it difficult to organize your thoughts when doing things at home?"} {"ID":"FATIMP36","Text":"To what degree did your fatigue make it difficult to start anything new?"} {"ID":"FATIMP37","Text":"Due to your fatigue were you less effective at work (include work at home)?"} {"ID":"FATIMP38","Text":"To what degree did your fatigue make it difficult to make decisions?"} {"ID":"FATIMP40","Text":"How often did you have enough energy to exercise strenuously?"} {"ID":"FATIMP42","Text":"How often were you less effective at home due to your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP43","Text":"To what degree did your fatigue make it difficult to organize your thoughts when doing things at work (include work at home)?"} {"ID":"FATIMP44","Text":"To what degree did your fatigue make you more forgetful?"} {"ID":"FATIMP45","Text":"To what degree did your fatigue interfere with your ability to engage in recreational activities?"} {"ID":"FATIMP47","Text":"To what degree did you have to force yourself to get up and do things because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP48","Text":"To what degree did your fatigue interfere with your social activities?"} {"ID":"FATIMP49","Text":"To what degree did your fatigue interfere with your physical functioning?"} {"ID":"FATIMP50","Text":"Did fatigue make you less effective at home?"} {"ID":"FATIMP51","Text":"To what degree did you have trouble finishing things because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP52","Text":"To what degree did your fatigue make you feel less alert?"} {"ID":"FATIMP53","Text":"How often were you too tired to take a short walk?"} {"ID":"FATIMP55","Text":"How often did you have to force yourself to get up and do things because of your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATIMP56","Text":"How often were you too tired to socialize with your friends?"} {"ID":"FATEXP2","Text":"How often did you feel run-down?"} {"ID":"FATEXP5","Text":"How often did you experience extreme exhaustion?"} {"ID":"FATEXP6","Text":"How often did you feel tired even when you hadn't done anything?"} {"ID":"FATEXP7","Text":"How often did you feel your fatigue was beyond your control?"} {"ID":"FATEXP12","Text":"To what degree did you feel tired even when you hadn't done anything?"} {"ID":"FATEXP13","Text":"How bushed were you on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP16","Text":"How often were you sluggish?"} {"ID":"FATEXP18","Text":"How often did you run out of energy?"} {"ID":"FATEXP19","Text":"How often were you physically drained?"} {"ID":"FATEXP20","Text":"How often did you feel tired?"} {"ID":"FATEXP21","Text":"How fatigued were you when your fatigue was at its worst?"} {"ID":"FATEXP22","Text":"How often were you bothered by your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATEXP24","Text":"How often did you have enough energy to enjoy the things you do for fun?"} {"ID":"FATEXP26","Text":"How often were you too tired to enjoy life?"} {"ID":"FATEXP28","Text":"How often were you too tired to feel happy?"} {"ID":"FATEXP29","Text":"How often did you feel totally drained?"} {"ID":"FATEXP31","Text":"How often were you energetic?"} {"ID":"FATEXP34","Text":"How tired did you feel on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP35","Text":"How much were you bothered by your fatigue on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP36","Text":"How exhausted were you on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP38","Text":"How fatigued were you on the day you felt most fatigued?"} {"ID":"FATEXP40","Text":"How fatigued were you on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP41","Text":"How run-down did you feel on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP42","Text":"How much mental energy did you have on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP43","Text":"How physically drained were you on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP44","Text":"How energetic were you on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP45","Text":"How sluggish were you on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP46","Text":"On how many days was your fatigue worse in the morning?"} {"ID":"FATEXP48","Text":"How often did you find yourself getting tired easily?"} {"ID":"FATEXP49","Text":"How often did you think about your fatigue?"} {"ID":"FATEXP50","Text":"How fatigued were you on the day you felt least fatigued?"} {"ID":"FATEXP51","Text":"How easily did you find yourself getting tired on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP52","Text":"How wiped out were you on average?"} {"ID":"FATEXP54","Text":"How often did you have physical energy?"} {"ID":"FATEXP56","Text":"What was the level of your fatigue on most days?"} {"ID":"HI7","Text":"I feel fatigued"} {"ID":"HI12","Text":"I feel weak all over"} {"ID":"AN1","Text":"I feel listless (\"washed out\")"} {"ID":"AN2","Text":"I feel tired"} {"ID":"AN3","Text":"I have trouble starting<\/U> things because I am tired"} {"ID":"AN4","Text":"I have trouble finishing<\/U> things because I am tired"} {"ID":"AN8","Text":"I need to sleep during the day"} {"ID":"AN12","Text":"I am too tired to eat"} {"ID":"AN14","Text":"I need help doing my usual activities"} {"ID":"AN15","Text":"I am frustrated by being too tired to do the things I want to do"} {"ID":"AN16","Text":"I have to limit my social activity because I am tired"} {"ID":"AN5","Text":"I have energy"} {"ID":"AN7","Text":"I am able to do my usual activities"}