The maat package performs adaptive testing based on the assessment framework involving multiple tests administered throughout the year using multiple item pools vertically scaled and multiple phases within each test administration (Choi et al., 2022). It allows for transitioning from one item pool with associated constraints to another as determined necessary according to a prespecified transition policy to enhance the quality of measurement. Based on an item pool and test blueprint constraints, each phase or module is constructed as a computerized adaptive test (CAT) assembled dynamically using the shadow-test approach to CAT (van der Linden & Reese, 1998). The current version of maat supports an assessment design involving three tests/administrations (e.g. Fall, Winter, and Spring) with two phases within each administration (Phase 1 and Phase 2), so that an examinee takes six modules in total throughout the year. The assessment framework is adaptive in multiple levels:
An assessment under the multiple administrations adaptive testing design has the following structure.
Several assumptions are made to support the multiple administrations adaptive testing design.
A module is a fixed-length adaptive test constructed under the shadow-test framework. This section describes how each module is assembled.
The shadow-test approach to CAT (Choi & van der Linden, 2018; van der Linden & Reese, 1998) was developed to balance the need for sequential and simultaneous optimization in constrained CAT. The shadow-test approach uses the methodology of mixed-integer programming (MIP) to simultaneously select a full set of items conforming to all content and other constraints and yet optimal (e.g., most informative).
Given the item pool and test specifications/constraints, the shadow-test approach to CAT assembles a full-length test form, called a shadow test, using MIP for each item position upon updating interim θ estimates, θk, k = 1, 2, ..., n, where n is the test length. The optimal test assembly engine uses MIP to construct shadow tests optimized for the interim θ estimates and conforming to all specifications and requirements, encompassing content constraints, exposure control, overlap control, and other practical constraints (e.g., enemy items, item types, etc.). The cycle is repeated until the intended test length n has been reached.
The methods by which the shadow-test approach formulates test
assembly problems as constrained combinatorial optimization have been
documented in van der Linden (2005) and implemented
in the TestDesign
package (Choi et al., 2021). Refer to
Choi & van der Linden (2018) for more information
about how the shadow-test approach creates an adaptive test as a
sequence of optimally constructed full-length tests.
A standard procedure for choosing a shadow test (for a given examinee at a particular item position) among potentially an astronomical number of alternatives is to compare the objective values provided by the alternatives. The common objective function in its simplest form is:
$$ \text{maximize} \sum_{i\,=\,1}^{I} I_{i}(\hat{\theta})x_{i} $$
where Ii(θ̂) is the Fisher information for Item i at an estimated θ value. It is also possible to add a random component to the objective function to reduce the overexposure of highly informative items for some or all item positions within a test. For example, the progressive method (Revuelta & Ponsoda, 1998) can be incorporated into the objective function so that at the beginning of the test the objective function combines a random component with item information, and as the test progresses the random component is reduced proportionately.
Upon constructing/updating a shadow test, a single item is selected to be administered. Selecting an item from a shadow test is typically done by selecting the most informative item in the shadow test that has not been administered, as
argmaxi ∈ RIi(θ̂),
where R indicates the set of items in the current shadow test that has not been administered to the examinee. When the test is comprised of item sets (e.g., reading passages), selecting a passage should precede selecting an item, which can be based on the average item information within each passage. Once a passage is selected, typically multiple items are selected before moving onto another passage.
In the MIP optimizer, passages are selected not directly but as a result of attempting to satisfy constraints. Given an item pool that has I items, a discrete assembly problem (i.e., not passage-based) uses I decision variables that represent each item in the pool. In a passage-based assembly that has S available passages in the pool, S more decision variables are added to existing I decision variables. The nested structure between items and passages is provided to the solver through the use of constraints.
Using the same information maximization criterion presented above, a shadow-test that satisfies the criterion and the constraints is assembled/re-assembled for the administration of each item. From the shadow-test, the passage to be administered to the examinee is determined using the following process.
First, if the examinee is currently not within a passage, the passage that has the largest mean information at the current θ̂ is selected as the passage to be administered. The mean information is calculated from the shadow test. For example, suppose that Passage 1 consists of Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and only Items 1, 2, 3 were included in the shadow test. In this case, the mean information of Passage 1 is computed from Items 1, 2, 3. After selecting a passage with the highest mean information, the item within the passage that has the largest information at the current θ̂ is administered to the examinee. This marks the passage as the currently active passage.
For the next shadow test, the assembly engine enforces to select previously administered items and passages, and the currently active passage that contains the item. In this step, for the currently active passage, a different combination of items may be selected in the shadow test. For example, suppose that Passage 1 consists of Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and the constraint is to administer 3 items for each passage. If Items 1, 2, 3 were selected previously and Item 1 was administered, it is possible that Items 1, 3, 5 will be selected in the current shadow test. Given the combination, either Item 3 or 5 will be administered to the examinee depending on which item has the largest information.
The maximum-information item-selection criterion causes overexposure
of a small proportion of items while underexposing the rest. The
shadow-test approach mitigates the problem by adding random item
eligibility constraints to the test-assembly model so that items with
higher exposure rates have higher probabilities of being temporarily
ineligible. The TestDesign
package implements the
conditional item eligibility control method recently improved and
extended (van der Linden & Choi,
2019). For each examinee the TestDesign
determines which items to constrain as temporarily ineligible from the
item pool. The engine can also monitor the probabilities of
ineligibility for all items conditional on different theta levels such
that the exposure rates for all items in the pool are tightly controlled
within and across different theta segments (intervals) and bound below a
maximum exposure rate set a priori (e.g., rmax = 0.25).
More specifically, for each new examinee, prior to the administration of the test, the item eligibility control method conducts Bernoulli experiments (by theta segment) for the items in the pool to determine their eligibility for administration with probabilities updated as a function of the actual exposure rates of the items. For any items determined to be ineligible additional constraints are included in the test assembly model as follows:
∑i ∈ Vjxi = 0
where xi is the binary decision variable for the selection of item i; and Vj denotes the set of items determined to be ineligible for Examinee j.
The conditional item eligibility method monitors and updates the probabilities within a predetermined set of theta segments, e.g., θ1 ∈ [−∞, −1.5), θ2 ∈ [−1.5, −.5), …, θG ∈ (1.5, ∞]. The conditional item-eligibility probabilities are represented as a recurrence relationship as follows:
$$ \text{Pr}\{E_i | \theta\} \leq \frac{r^{\max}} {\text{Pr}\{A_i | \theta\}} \text{Pr}\{E_i | \theta\}, $$
where Pr{Ei|θ} is the conditional eligibility probability for item i given θ ∈ θg; and Pr{Ai|θ} is the conditional exposure probability (rate) for the item. Theoretically, Pr{Ai|θ} can be updated continuously as each examinee finishes the test. Assuming l = 1, 2, … denote the sequence of examinees taking the test. The conditional item-eligibility probabilities can be updated continuously as:
$$ \text{Pr}^{l+1}\{E_{i}|\theta\} = \min \bigg\{ \frac{r^{\max}} {\text{Pr}^{l}\{A_{i}|\theta\}} \text{Pr}^{l}\{E_{i}|\theta\}, 1 \bigg\} $$
However, in the context of a large number of concurrent test
instances updating the exposure counts in real time after each instance
can be difficult and perhaps not necessary. One complication with the
conditional item eligibility control method is that as the test
progresses examinees may move in and out of segments and can be subject
to different sets of eligible items as they typically visit more than
one theta segment over the course of a test administration. van der Linden & Choi (2019) elaborates
the issue and provides a workaround. Unconditional exposure control is
much more straightforward to implement and can be preferred in many
testing situations. The TestDesign
package implements the
conditional item eligibility control method based on configurable θ segments. Defining one big segment
of θ simplifies the method to
the unconditional case.
Overlap control might be needed to prevent or reduce the amount of intra-individual overlap in test content across administrations. The item eligibility control method can be used to make all items previously seen by the examinee ineligible for the current administration by imposing constraints similarly as
∑i ∈ Sjxi = 0,
where sj denotes the set of items Examinee j has seen prior to the current administration. Imposing these hard constraints can unduly limit the item pool and potentially affect the quality of measurement. To avoid infeasibility and degradation of measurement, we can impose soft constraints in the form of a modification to the maximum information objective function as
$$ \text{maximize} \sum_{i\,=\,1}^{I}I_{i}{(\theta) x_{i}} \, – \, M \sum_{i\,\in\,s_{j}}{x_{i}}, $$
where M is a penalty for selecting an item from sj the subset of items previously administered to Examinee j. This modification to the objective function can effectively deter the selection of items previously administered unless absolutely necessary for feasibility of the model.
Although the same item eligibility constraints for inter-individual exposure control can be used to control intra-individual item overlap, the mechanism for identifying ineligible items for the intra-individual overlap control is quite different. It requires tracking the examinee records across test administrations, which may be days, weeks, or months apart. As the number of administrations increases, the ineligible item set (sj) can grow quickly and adversely affect the quality of measurement progressively. To prevent the ineligible item set from growing quickly, sj may need to be defined based only on the immediately preceding test administration. Another possibility is to let the penalty M be subject to exponential decay over test administrations:
M ⋅ e−λt,
where λ is a disintigration constant; and t is a time interval in some unit.
The maat package uses hard constraints to perform overlap control. Three options are available:
: If an examinee sees an item, then the item is
excluded from shadow tests in all subsquent modules. For example, if an
examinee sees an item in Phase 1 Administration 1, then the item is
excluded in Phase 2 Administration 1 and all subsequent phases and
administrations. In passage-based assembly, if an examinee sees at least
one item from a passage, then the entire passage is excluded from shadow
tests in all following modules.within-test
: If an examinee sees an item, then the item
is excluded from shadow tests in following phases within the current
administration. The item is again made available in the subsequent
administrations. For example, if an examinee sees an item in Phase 1
Administration 1, then the item is excluded in Phase 2 Administration 1
but is made available in Phase 1 Administration 2. Similar is done for
passage-based assembly.none
: A examinee can see any item twice (or more) in
any phases and administrations. For example, if an examinee sees an item
in Phase 1 Administration 1, the examinee can see the same item in Phase
2 Administration 1.The stopping rule describes the criteria used to terminate a CAT. The stopping rule is based on the number of overall required points and the total number of items denoted in the constraint file.
The maat package supports expected a posteriori
(EAP), maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and maximum likelihood
estimation with fence (MLEF) available in the TestDesign
package for θ estimation. The
estimation method must be specified in
The MLE and MLEF methods in TestDesign
has extra
fallback routines for performing CAT:
In a maat()
simulation, two types of ability estimates
are obtained after completing each module.
option in maat()
. The
option is implemented to determine which
type of ability estimate to use for routing, after computing both
phase-wise and administration-wise ability estimates.In each module (except for the very first), the initial estimate that
is in place before administering the first item, is the final routing
estimate from the previous module. The initial estimates can be manually
specified for each examinee and for each module by supplying a list to
the initial_theta_list
argument in maat()
. The
list must be accessible using
. In the
example assessment structure in this document, module_index
ranges from 1 to 6. The value of examinee_id
is a string
that is used in the examinee_list
Transitioning between phases and between tests are governed by the rules described in this section. These so-called transition rules are generally based on theta estimates (and confidence intervals) and the cut-scores defining the performance levels for each grade. There are also restrictions that override the general rules. Two routing rules are implemented in the maat package: Confidence Interval Approach and Difficulty Percentile Approach.
The cut scores for achievement levels must be defined to be able to perform routing between grades. For example, if there are four achievement levels (e.g., Beginning, Developing, Proficient, and Advanced), then three cut scores are necessary for each grade.
Routing is performed between modules and also between tests. For example, routing is performed between Fall Phase 1 and Fall Phase 2, and also between Fall Phase 2 and Winter Phase 1. Because an examinee takes 6 modules in total, routing is performed 5 times for the examinee throughout the entire assessment.
The routing structure is now described. Let G denote the grade of record of an examinee.
All examinees begin at grade G, the grade of record.
After completing a module, a routing theta is determined. The routing theta is used to:
Different types of θ estimates are used for the routing theta.
In each administration, after completing Phase 1, θ1 is used as the routing theta for the following module.
In each administration, after completing Phase 2, the ability estimate from the current administration is used as the routing theta. This is either θ2 or θ1 + 2 depending on the combine policy:
, then θ1 + 2 is used as the
routing theta;never
, then θ2 is used as the routing
Using the routing theta and the cut scores, the achievement level is determined. The achievement level is:
Using the achievement level, routing is performed:
There are four restrictions imposed by default on the routing rule.
As a result of these restrictions, an examinee can be routed to G − 1 at a minimum and G + 2 at a maximum. For example, a G = 4 examinee can be potentially routed to grades 3-6. A G = 4 examinee can never be routed to grades 7 and above or below 3 in any module.
The following diagrams visually summarize the permissible routing paths between modules and tests. The paths highlighted in red are due to the restrictions described above.
The examinee is routed based on the performance in each phase. The performance is quantified not as a point estimate of θ, but as a confidence interval. The confidence interval approach Eggen & Straetmans (2000) can be used with MLE scoring (Yang et al., 2006) and can be easily extended to multiple cut scores (Thompson, 2007).
In the confidence interval approach, the lower and upper bounds of the routing theta is computed as
$$\hat{\theta_{L}} = \hat{\theta} - z_{\alpha} \cdot SE(\theta),$$ and
$$\hat{\theta_{U}} = \hat{\theta} + z_{\alpha} \cdot SE(\theta),$$
where zα is the normal deviate corresponding to a 1 − α confidence interval, θ̂ is the routing theta, and $\hat{\theta_{L}}$ and $\hat{\theta_{U}}$ are lower and upper boundary theta values.
Once boundary values are calculated, $\hat{\theta_{L}}$ and $\hat{\theta_{U}}$ are used to identify the achievement level of the examinee:
In difficulty percentile routing, prespecified cut scores are ignored. Instead, cut scores are determined based on item difficulty parameters of the current item pool for the module.
Once cut scores are calculated, the routing theta θ̂ is used to identify the achievement level of the examinee as:
This section explains how to use the maat package.
The first step is to define an assessment structure using the
function. In what follows, we
specify 3 tests with 2 phases in each test. Route limits are specified
to 1 below and 2 above to match the assessment structure diagram shown
above. That is, for examinees in grade G, routing is limited to item pools
between G − 1 and G + 2.
The next step is to create an examinee list using
. An example is given below:
cor_v <- matrix(.8, 3, 3)
diag(cor_v) <- 1
examinee_list <- simExaminees(
N = 10,
mean_v = c(0, 0.5, 1.0),
sd_v = c(1, 1, 1),
cor_v = cor_v,
assessment_structure = assessment_structure,
initial_grade = "G4",
initial_phase = "P1",
initial_test = "T1"
For each examinee we simulate three true theta values, one for each test administration. In the example above, the true theta values are drawn from a multivariate normal distribution, specified by a variance-covariance matrix with all covariances between thetas are set to 0.8 and all variance to 1.0.
Each argument of simExaminees()
is defined as
is the number of examinees to simulate.mean_v
is the mean theta to use in generating θ values. This must be a vector of
three values, each element corresponding to each administration.sd_v
is the standard deviation to use in generating
θ values. This must be a
vector of three values, each corresponding to each administration.cor_v
is the correlation structure to use in generating
θ values. This must be a 3 × 3 matrix, each dimension corresponding to
each administration.assessment_structure
is the assessment structure object
created previously using createAssessmentStructure()
is the grade of record to use for all
examinees. This must be in the format G?
, where
is a number.initial_phase
is the phase that all examinees are
placed in the beginning of the assessment. This must be in the format
, where ?
is a number.initial_test
is the administration that all examinees
are placed in the beginning of the assessment. This must be in the
format T?
, where ?
is a number.The next step is to load the module specification sheet using
. The maat package allows for
using different item pools and constraints across different stages of
testing. This requires a module specification sheet that contains which
item pools and constraints are used for each grade, test, and phase. An
example module specification sheet is displayed below:
Grade | Test | Phase | Module | Constraints | ItemPool | ItemAttrib | PassageAttrib |
G3 | P1 | ModuleMATH3P1N | extdata/constraints_MATH3_P1.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade03.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade03.csv | NA | |
G3 | P2 | ModuleMATH3P2N | extdata/constraints_MATH3_P2.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade03.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade03.csv | NA | |
G4 | T1 | P1 | ModuleMATH4T1P1N | extdata/constraints_MATH4_T1P1.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | NA |
G4 | T1 | P2 | ModuleMATH4T1P2N | extdata/constraints_MATH4_T1P2.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | NA |
G4 | T2 | P1 | ModuleMATH4T2P1N | extdata/constraints_MATH4_T2P1.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | NA |
G4 | T2 | P2 | ModuleMATH4T2P2N | extdata/constraints_MATH4_T2P2.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | NA |
G4 | T3 | P1 | ModuleMATH4T3P1N | extdata/constraints_MATH4_T3P1.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | NA |
G4 | T3 | P2 | ModuleMATH4T3P2N | extdata/constraints_MATH4_T3P2.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade04.csv | NA |
G5 | P1 | ModuleMATH5P1N | extdata/constraints_MATH5_P1.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade05.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade05.csv | NA | |
G5 | P2 | ModuleMATH5P2N | extdata/constraints_MATH5_P2.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade05.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade05.csv | NA | |
G6 | P1 | ModuleMATH6P1N | extdata/constraints_MATH6_P1.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade06.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade06.csv | NA | |
G6 | P2 | ModuleMATH6P2N | extdata/constraints_MATH6_P2.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade06.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade06.csv | NA | |
G7 | P1 | ModuleMATH7P1N | extdata/constraints_MATH7_P1.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade07.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade07.csv | NA | |
G7 | P2 | ModuleMATH7P2N | extdata/constraints_MATH7_P2.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade07.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade07.csv | NA | |
G8 | P1 | ModuleMATH8P1N | extdata/constraints_MATH8_P1.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade08.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade08.csv | NA | |
G8 | P2 | ModuleMATH8P2N | extdata/constraints_MATH8_P2.csv | extdata/pool_MATH_normal_N500_Grade08.csv | extdata/item_attrib_MATH_normal_N500_Grade08.csv | NA |
The sheet must have seven columns.
, where ?
is a number.T?
, where ?
is a number.P?
, where ?
is a number.loadConstraints()
in the
in TestDesign
in the
the TestDesign
package.Load the module specification sheet using
fn <- system.file("extdata", "module_definition_MATH_normal_N500_flexible.csv", package = "maat")
module_list <- loadModules(
fn = fn,
base_path = system.file(package = "maat"),
assessment_structure = assessment_structure,
examinee_list = examinee_list
## Required modules: 24
## Using base path: /tmp/Rtmpgm43YC/Rinst103832bbd71d/maat
## Loading 24 modules
## Grade G3 Test T1 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH3P1N
## Grade G3 Test T1 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH3P2N
## Grade G3 Test T2 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH3P1N
## Grade G3 Test T2 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH3P2N
## Grade G3 Test T3 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH3P1N
## Grade G3 Test T3 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH3P2N
## Grade G4 Test T1 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH4T1P1N
## Grade G4 Test T1 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH4T1P2N
## Grade G4 Test T2 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH4T2P1N
## Grade G4 Test T2 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH4T2P2N
## Grade G4 Test T3 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH4T3P1N
## Grade G4 Test T3 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH4T3P2N
## Grade G5 Test T1 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH5P1N
## Grade G5 Test T1 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH5P2N
## Grade G5 Test T2 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH5P1N
## Grade G5 Test T2 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH5P2N
## Grade G5 Test T3 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH5P1N
## Grade G5 Test T3 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH5P2N
## Grade G6 Test T1 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH6P1N
## Grade G6 Test T1 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH6P2N
## Grade G6 Test T2 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH6P1N
## Grade G6 Test T2 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH6P2N
## Grade G6 Test T3 Phase P1 : Module ModuleMATH6P1N
## Grade G6 Test T3 Phase P2 : Module ModuleMATH6P2N
: The file path of the module specification
: The examinee list object created above
using simExaminees()
. This is used to determine required
: The value of this argument is pasted to the
beginning of file paths in the sheet. In the above example, if
is inst
then the function will
attempt to read inst/extdata/constraints_MATH8_P2.csv
.Cut scores must be stored in a list
object. For each
grade, at least two cut scores must exist. When the number of cut scores
for a single grade is more than two, only the first and the last entry
is used. An example is given below:
The next step is to create a config object using
in the TestDesign
package to set various shadow test configuration options. For example,
the final theta estimation method in final_theta$method
be set to EAP
The exclude policy in exclude_policy$method
must be set
to use the Big M method discussed in the Overlap
Control section above. The value in exclude_policy$M
is the
penalty value.
config <- createShadowTestConfig(
interim_theta = list(method = "MLE"),
final_theta = list(method = "MLE"),
exclude_policy = list(method = "SOFT", M = 100)
Alternatively, a list of config objects can be used to use separate configs for each module. The list must have a length of 6 as per the assessment structure outlined above.
config_list <- list()
config_list[[1]] <- createShadowTestConfig(exclude_policy = list(method = "SOFT", M = 100))
config_list[[2]] <- createShadowTestConfig(exclude_policy = list(method = "SOFT", M = 100))
config_list[[3]] <- createShadowTestConfig(exclude_policy = list(method = "SOFT", M = 100))
config_list[[4]] <- createShadowTestConfig(exclude_policy = list(method = "SOFT", M = 100))
config_list[[5]] <- createShadowTestConfig(exclude_policy = list(method = "SOFT", M = 100))
config_list[[6]] <- createShadowTestConfig(exclude_policy = list(method = "SOFT", M = 100))
The final step is to run the main simulation using
maat_output_CI <- maat(
examinee_list = examinee_list,
assessment_structure = assessment_structure,
module_list = module_list,
config = config,
cut_scores = cut_scores,
overlap_control_policy = "within_test",
transition_policy = "CI",
combine_policy = "conditional",
transition_CI_alpha = 0.05
maat_output_difficulty <- maat(
examinee_list = examinee_list,
assessment_structure = assessment_structure,
module_list = module_list,
config = config_list,
cut_scores = cut_scores,
overlap_control_policy = "within_test",
transition_policy = "pool_difficulty_percentile",
combine_policy = "conditional",
transition_CI_alpha = 0.05,
transition_percentile_lower = 0.05,
transition_percentile_upper = 0.95
is the examinee list object created
is the module list object created
is the shared config object created above. Also
can be a list of config objects to use separate configurations for each
is the cut scores list object created
specifies the type of overlap
performs overlap control across administrations.
This forbids an item to be given more than once within and across test
performs overlap control within each test
administration. This forbids an item to be given more than once within
each administration but allows an item to be given more than once across
does not perform overlap control. This allows an
item to be given more than once within each administration (between
phases) and across administrations.transition_policy
specifies the type of item pool
transition policy.
uses confidence intervals on theta estimates to
perform routing between modules or tests.pool_difficulty_percentile
uses item difficulty
percentiles of all items in the current item pool to perform
item difficulty percentiles of all items in the current item pool,
excluding items administered to the examinee, to perform routing.on_grade
makes all examinees to remain in the item pool
for the grade level of record.combine_policy
specifies which type of theta is used to
perform routing. This is only utilized at the end of each
uses the combined theta estimate (obtained
from combining Phase 1 and Phase 2 responses) as the routing theta, if
the examinee was in the same grade item pool in Phase 1 and Phase 2. If
the examinee was in different item pools in Phase 1 and 2, then Phase 2
estimate is used as the routing theta.always
uses the combined theta estimate as the routing
uses the Phase 2 estimate as the routing
is the alpha level to use in
conjunction with the CI-based transition policy.transition_percentile_lower
is the percentile value to
use in conjunction with the difficulty-percentile-based transition
is the percentile value to
use in conjunction with the difficulty-percentile-based transition
policy.plot(type = "route")
function can be used to plot
the number of examinees routed to each module. The function accepts a
object produced by maat()
.plot(type = "correlation")
function can be used to
plot true θs and estimated
θs across test
for this use case are:
is the output object returned by
is the θ range to be used for
is a vector of plot titles.plot(type = "audit")
function can also be used to
plot interim θ estimates over
modules for a single examinee.plot()
for this use case are:
is the output object returned by
is the examinee ID to plot.